Event Details:
Friday, March 25th
6:30pm - 8:00pm
In-Person Class
Mask optional
This is a 4-month series held on the 4th Friday of the month February - May, 2022.
Donation-Based - $25 recommended donation, but all are welcome!
Due to the pandemic, we are asking that attendees bring their own props. Recommended props include: something to sit on (mat, bolster, blanket), comfortable pillows, and anything else you need to create a comfortable environment for the sound bath experience.
From Meditation to Manifestation
The next Crystal Voyager Vibes Sound Bath is called Vision Quest. Here we will explore how to visualize what you want to manifest in your life. We'll begin with a grounding breathing exercise, then be guided into and through meditation, and finish with the Sound Bath accompanied by crystal bowls and other musical instruments to promote relaxation and integration.
Ellie created the Crystal Voyager Vibes Sound Bath to merge her worlds of yoga and music and combine both healing practices into one experience. Vision quest is the one of many sound bath experiences she has in the works.
Register prior to the event or donate at the door!
Property Details:
The sign outside the property reads "The Writing Barn," but that's us! Sangam Retreat is the spiritual arm of our sister company, The Writing Barn.
Once you pull onto the property and see the red house on the right, park in any of the recessed areas on the right hand side. The yoga studio is in the middle of the property (to the right of the red house, when facing it), across from the Buddha Hall.
Meet Ellie
Ellie started practicing yoga at the age of 15 and has also been playing music since she was 5. She grew up in South Carolina and then went to School of Visual Arts in NYC receiving a Bachelors in Fine Arts. After college she completed Bikrams teacher training in the fall 2014. She began teaching in NYC while also making her art and music.
She moved to Austin Tx in 2016 where she found the yoga and music community to be a very welcoming place. In 2020 Ellie completed a rocket training with Gil Perez and then later did another rocket training from Gil’s teacher David Kyle. She also completed David Kyle’s ashtanga training later that winter.
Ellie has always tried to find a way to merge her worlds of yoga and music and in 2019 she began doing sound healings with the Austin synth group “Gamma Velorum” but after the group split In 2021 she then began her own sound bath project using crystal bowls and modular synth. She calls it “The Crystal Voyager Vibes Sound Bath.” Ellie finds that sound baths are one of the best ways to meditate especially if you are new to any form of healing.