Reviews from Attendees
“I appreciated everything Ravi said the whole way through. It was very coherent to me and I related to it personally.”
— Live Event Attendee
“It was so wonderful to participate. Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend this event.”
— Live Event Attendee
Video Recording:
Journey of Self-Transformation with Ravi Ravindra (September 26 and 27, 2020)
This event began with about fifteen minutes of meditation, then forty-five minutes of talk by Ravi Ravindra, followed by about thirty minutes of exchange and Q & A.
One common lesson of all the scriptures and the teachings of the great sages is that as long as I remain the way I am, I cannot come to the Truth or God. A radical transformation of the whole of my being is necessary for me to connect with the Real. What is called for is not freedom for myself but freedom from myself. We will explore the journey of self-transformation in the light of the classical spiritual teachings as well as the teachings of some contemporary sages, especially J. Krishnamurti and G.I. Gurdjieff.