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Third Thursday of the Month Event— Full Lecture Tape of Mr. Nyland

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Background Information on Tapes of Mr. Nyland

We will be listening to a full introductory tapes of talks by Mr. Nyland. They are powerful with some clear transmission of WORK ideas. Willem A. Nyland was a student and teacher of Gurdjieff’s Ideas for over 50 years. Acting on direct instructions from Gurdjieff, Mr. Nyland taught and inspired numerous people from all walks of life, opening up for them a wide range of spiritual possibilities. He was considered closest student of Mr. Gurdjieff after Madam Jeane de Salzmann.

We are lucky to have his recorded lectures, which seem to transmit more that books. Mr. Nyland’s tapes are of a unique quality, allowing an influence from a direct student of Mr. Gurdjieff to come through with all the innuendos, inflections, and emotion that somehow only comes through in voice.  Books are too often falling only on the intellectual center, and one tends to read a book through one’s filters;  of course we do that in listening to the voice of another also, but hopefully not to the same extent.  There is an emotional quality given from tone of voice where even if one cannot understand the words or ideas at the time, something of the concept may come through. We encourage you to take the benefit of this unique opportunity. 

If you want additional information about Mr. Nyland, please visit the following web links:

September 26

Journey of Self-transformation - A Zoom Meeting with Ravi Ravindra (September 26 and 27, 10 AM-11:30 AM, US Central time, Both days)

December 17

Third Thursday of the Month Event— Full Lecture Tape of Mr. Nyland